Mission & Philosophy


We have based everything we do on empirical evidence: we want to use what works. Our programs are based on years of research that confirms that:

  • The first four years of life are the most critical with respect to a child’s level of intellectual functioning, motivation, and personality.
  • Structured early learning experiences are more effective for development than random discoveries.
  • Early learning programs are more effective when parents are involved.
  • Children learn through play.

The result is an eclectic approach to early learning, borrowing from the best model programs and making use of the most recent educational research. Our foundation is found in the time-tested principles established by Maria Montessori, enriched by modern materials designed to address the needs of people in the twenty-first century. Because the program is based on results, we are not distracted by the latest educational fads, but we are willing to try new approaches. As such, we–like our clients–are always learning and growing.

Elementary & Middle School

The fundamental tenet of our Montessori-based schools is that students will learn to direct and manage their own learning. Child development is a process of stimulation and enrichment with cognitive and manipulative materials as well as hands-on activities. Our private elementary school offers classes where students individually and in small groups, plan and assess their goals in learning.

Our mission is to provide an enriched learning environment in which students develop optimally and fulfill their full potential as human beings in all their roles and relationships. We intend that they develop the intellectual and social skills, as well as character, to enable them to succeed in high school and college settings. We expect that they will not only take their proper places in society, they will come to influence and change society for the better.